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Bottles decorating with metallization technology

Bottles decoration becomes an increasingly popular method of marketing which is used by many manufacturers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Often one of them faces the need to search for new possibilities of decoration that will make them stand out among the "decorated" competitors.

One of the new techniques of decoration, which has been successfully implemented in the international market and is gaining the post-Soviet space, is the metallization of glass. Metallization is in a great demand for decorating bottles for vodka, brandy and wine, but its features can transform and represent in a new way any drink.

In terms of this method a thin metal reflective layer is sprayed on the surface. After that, the glass surface is shiny, bright, and light-reflective. Range of colors is quite wide – starting from fully metalized coating to tinted shades of different colors. Decorative coating with effects "chrome", "gold-plated" is getting more and more popular.

This advanced technology allows you to transform an ordinary bottle, make it unique, and quickly attract the consumer's attention with bright and shiny packaging.