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Good luck, LELEKA!

We start 2023 with the new project having a nice naming, LELEKA Golden and Silver (stork in Ukrainian).

The frosted bottle with the transparent images of birds in flight and the printed Ukrainian tryzub- stork is full of sleek symbols which contain deep meanings.

The Ukrainians always treated storks with great respect. This noble bird is a symbol of family happiness, prosperity, and love of country. By the way, considering the challenges which Ukraine has to face, it’s worth mentioning that storks represent vigilance in fighting against enemies. The stork is often portrayed holding a stone in one paw. This image originates from the antique legend that when the pack is resting up, one of the birds is protecting the peace of other storks holding a stone in a raised pow. If the exhausted guard starts napping, the stone will drop from a pow and wake him up. Good luck, LELEKA!