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Membership in the Glass Industry Association (GIA) "Glass of Ukraine"

Since July 1, 2019, "DANCO DECOR" company has been granted membership in the Glass Industry Association (GIA) "Glass of Ukraine".

GIA "Glass of Ukraine" was established on November 10, 1997. This is a public organization that united Ukrainian manufacturers of glass containers, sheet glass, glassware, artistic glass, as well as suppliers of equipment, materials and services for the glass industry. From now on, the first Ukrainian decorator of glass containers Danco Decor has also joined the Association!

The main purpose of the Association is to continuously coordinate the efforts of all the objects of economic activity associated with the production and processing of glass products, the creation of a favorable legislative climate in the state, and the representation of the interests of its members in the bodies of state and local government.

Nowadays almost 60 Ukrainian and foreign enterprises that work in the glass industry, are the members of GIA "Glass of Ukraine".