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Beverages protection against forgery

Decoration of bottles provides a high degree of protection against forgery drink. Creating an unusual and eye-catching design, decoration raises product recognition, helps to select among a line of similar products and to distinguish the original from the fake.

Technological park of DanCo Decor Company guarantees the high quality of the decoration, whereas only a legal manufacturer is concerned of this. Specialized equipment and full automation of all production processes eliminate the possibility of counterfeit manufacture.

The application of complex technologies also provides protection against forgery. Complex technologies such as screen printing, heat-treatment or drying by UV-radiation, chemical frosting, multi-stage foil hot stamping, can be hardly repeated not only by forgery manufactures, but also by many official decorators. Along with complex technologies, DanCo Décor Company offers innovations developed by its specialists. New developments create unusual visual effects, which helps to distinguish original products from a fake.